The traditional Stabbur
The Stabbur is part of the farm Nigard Bolkesjø. You will wake up to the historic view from Bolkesjø; towards Gaustatoppen and Lifjell, the lakes and the forest. The farm is surrounded by quiet fields and beautiful hiking trails.
The second floor of the Stabbur is furnished with old treasures from the farm. There is a narrow and steep staircase, but high ceiling up stairs. In the main room there is a dining room, sofa corner and a traditional bed that can accommodate two people. The bedroom has old iron beds for two more people. There are many objects with lived life and each piece of furniture has its history.
The kitchen has a dormitory kitchen with hob, fridge and a sink. There is electricity and internet, but no running water. Shower and toilet are available in a separate extension to the main house, which guests at Stabburet have at their disposal. We arrange with drinking water.
Guests have their own patio with a barbeque.
Maximum number of guests: 4 + 1 in a extra bad